Recently Mohawk Industries released the 2016 Sustainability Report. In 2016, process improvements, equipment upgrades, and product re-engineering made a positive impact on Mohawk’s productivity by $140 million. Mohawk’s corporate responsibility and sustainability also had a big positive impact.

Here are some of the company’s progress:

  • The company recycled 7.1 billion pounds of waste.
  • Mohawk reduced its use of water by 277 million gallons since 2015.
  • Mohawk recycled 4 billion plastic bottles.
  • The company recycled 25 million pounds of tires into doormats.
  • Since 2010, the company has reduced its greenhouse gas intensity by 12.8%, its energy intensity by 1.9%, and its water intensity by 35%.

Mohawk continues to invent ways to decrease the environmental footprints of the company’s products and operations. Mohawk’s sustainability report details how the company uses an environmentally friendly approach to cooling water at the vinyl flooring plant in Belgium. The Glasgow, Virginia carpet tile plant is dealing with the global pollinator crisis. Also ceramic tile plants in Tennessee, Alabama, and Texas have a mobile material recycler that can process up to 30 tons of scrap material per hour.

Here are a few of Mohawk’s innovative sustainable solutions when manufacturing products:

  • SmartStrand carpets are made with renewably sourced polymers, which mean they require less energy to manufacture.
  • Mohawk is a large recycler of PET soda and water bottles in the United States, and billions of plastic bottles end up in Mohawk’s EverStrand carpets. The recycling of plastic bottles minimizes the need for fossil fuels and it helps reduce plastic in landfills.
  • Every year, Mohawk’s IVC vinyl manufacturing group reclaims up to 20,000 tons of PVC materials, which would have been taken to a landfill. Mohawk’s IVC group takes the PVC materials and transforms them into material for the backing of Moduleo luxury vinyl tile flooring.

Mohawk continues to strive to create products that contribute to healthy, productive, and inspirational homes and businesses. Carpet Express looks forward to what Mohawk will do in 2017!

Check out Mohawk’s 2016 Sustainability Report.

Also, check out Mohawk SmartStrand Carpet.

Or you can check out our selection of Mohawk EverStrand Carpet, the rest of Mohawk carpet, Mohawk IVC vinyl flooring, or Mohawk IVC Moduleo luxury vinyl tile.


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