Carpet squares are a great flooring choice for anyone that is creative and innovative. Many people believe that carpet squares are only for commercial buildings, but even though they have a commercial construction, they are also great for residential as well. Carpet squares are available in many colors and designs, which creates a lot of creative design opportunities.

They can be rotated or changed to make many types of looks. They can also be picked up and cleaned easily. The ability to move them how you want to allows you to hide the look of traffic. Carpet squares do not show much traffic to begin with, and they will not wrinkle. Also, any spills will not permeate into the backing because carpet squares are moisture proof. They can be easily washed in your own sink or tub to get out any stains.

Carpet squares are a great choice if you want a durable and versatile flooring. All of the colors and designs can be used in as many ways as you can think. Creativity and durability make carpet squares a smart flooring option.

Click here to see our collection of Carpet Tile.


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1 comment
  1. Those carpet squares are very common in commercial office buildings.

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